10001 \n\nIP Router monitor and configuration.\n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP \n { SHOW | ADD | DELETE | SET } \n { INTERFACE | FILTER | PROTOCOL | ROUTE } \n { /? | Options }\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP MIB\n SHOW { /? | Options }\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP HELP \n { SHOW | ADD | DELETE | SET } \n { INTERFACE | FILTER | PROTOCOL | ROUTE } \n\nAn IP Command can take one of 3 forms : \n\nROUTER command\n A router command is used to configure/display the IP \n settings of a router. Help on router commands is available\n in two forms : Syntax help is available by appending /? \n to a router command, detailed help including an explanation\n for each of the command options is available using the\n HELP command.\n\nMIB command\n A mib command displays router configuration inforamtion \n obtained via the MIB.\n\nHELP command\n A HELP command displays the detailed help for a specified \n router configuration/display command. It is often useful to\n redirect the output a help command to the MORE command to \n prevent it from scrolling of the screen. \n\n\nSyntax description\n\nItems enclosed in [] are optional, they may be omitted.\nItems enclosed in {} indicate a required choice.\n\nThe symbols | and / are used to delineate choices.\nIf the choices are separated by | only one of the choices can be selected.\nIf the choices are separated by / one or more of the choices can be selected.\n\nOptions are specified in the form [optionname= ] optionvalue. Option \nnames can be omitted from the command line. If the option name is omitted\nfor one option it must be omitted for all options. When option names are\nspecified the options can be specified in any order. When option names are\nomitted the options must be specified in the order listed in the command\nsyntax.\n\n
10003 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP MIB SHOW \n { INTERFACE [ [ INDEX= ] InterfaceIndex ] |\n IPSTATS | IPADDRESS [ [ INDEX= ] IPAddr ] |\n IPFORWARD [ [ INDEX= ] ForwardAddr Protocol NextHopAddr ]|\n IPNET [ [ INDEX= ] InterfaceIndex IPAddr ] |\n ICMP | TCPSTATS | TCPCONN [ [ INDEX= ] LocalIPAddr \n LocalPort RemoteIPAddr RemotePort ] |\n UDPSTATS | UDPCONN [ [ INDEX= ] LocalIPAddr LocalPort ] |\n\nWHERE : \n\nInterfaceIndex - Index of the interface for which information \n is requested \n\nIPAddr - IP Address for which information is requested \n\nForwardAddr - Destination IP Address of the forward table entry\n\nProtocol - Protocol id of the forward table entry\n\nNextHopAddr - Next Hop IP Address of the forward table entry\n\nLocalIPAddr, - IP address and port number of local end of TCP \nLocalPort connection\n\nRemoteIPAddr - IP address and port number of remote end of TCP \nRemotePort connection\n\n
10004 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP HELP \n { SHOW | ADD | DELETE | SET }\n { INTERFACE | FILTER | PROTOCOL | ROUTE }\n\n A HELP command displays the detailed help for a specified \n router configuration/display command. To obtain help for a \n specific command specify the action (one of SHOW, ADD, DELETE,\n SET) and the object (one of INTERFACE, FILTER, PROTOCOL, ROUTE)\n\nSyntax description\n\nItems enclosed in [] are optional, they may be omitted.\nItems enclosed in {} indicate a required choice.\n\nThe symbols | and / are used to delineate choices.\nIf the choices are separated by | only one of the choices can be selected.\nIf the choices are separated by / one or more of the choices can be selected.\n\n\nOptions are specified in the form [optionname= ] optionvalue. Option \nnames can be omitted from the command line. If the option name is omitted\nfor one option it must be omitted for all options. When option names are\nspecified the options can be specified in any order. When option names are\nomitted the options must be specified in the order listed in the command\nsyntax.
11001 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP SHOW INTERFACE \n [ [ NAME= ] InterfaceName ] \n\n
11002 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP SHOW FILTER\n [ [ NAME= ] InterfaceName ] \n\n
11003 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP SHOW PROTOCOL\n [ [ PROTO= ] { RIP | OSPF | BOOTP } ]\n [ [ NAME= ] Interfacename ] \n\n
11004 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP SHOW ROUTE\n [ [ NAME= ] Interfacename ]\n\n
11051 \n Routemon show interface command displays the IP router manager \n information for the specified interface.\n If the interface option is omitted, information for all \n interfaces that have been configured with IP router manager \n are shown\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface for which the \n information is to be displayed.\n\n
11052 \n Routemon show filter command displays the input and output\n filters associated with an interface. These filters are \n specific to IP. If the interface option is omitted filters \n for all interfaces are displayed.\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface for which the \n information is to be displayed.\n\n
11053 \n Routemon show protocol displays routing protocol information \n for the protocols configured on the specified router. If no \n options are specified global information for all configured \n routing protocols are displayed. If only the protocol option is \n specified global information for only the specified routing \n protocol is displayed. If only the interface option is specified \n information for all routing protocols configured on that \n interface are displayed. \n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nPROTO= protocol name The routing protocol for which information \n is to be displayed. \n\nNAME= Interface name Name of the interface for which the \n information is to be displayed.\n\n
11054 \n Routemon show route command displays the static routes \n configured on an interface. If the interface option is omitted \n static routes for all interfaces that have been configured for \n IP are displayed.\n\n\\computername Name of the computer on which the \n router service is running. Default \n is the local machine\n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface for which the route\n information is to be displayed.\n\n
12002 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP ADD FILTER\n [ NAME= ] InterfaceName\n [ FILTERTYPE= ] { INPUT | OUTPUT | DIAL } \n [ SRCADDR= ] IPaddress [ SRCMASK= ] IPMask\n [ DSTADDR= ] IPaddress [ DSTMASK= ] IPMask \n\n { [ PROTO= ] ANY |\n\n [ PROTO= ] { TCP | UDP }\n [ [ SRCPORT= ] port [ DSTPORT= ] port ] |\n\n [ PROTO= ] ICMP\n [ [ TYPE= ] type [ CODE= ] code ] }\n\n
12003 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP ADD PROTOCOL \n [ PROTO= ] { BOOTP | RIP | OSPF }\n [ [ NAME= ] Interfacename ]\n\n
12004 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP ADD ROUTE \n [ NAME= ] InterfaceName\n [ DSTADDR= ] IPAddress [ DSTMASK= ] IPMask\n [ NEXTHOP= ] IPAddress [ METRIC= ] Metric\n\n
12051 \n Routemon add interface command enables IP router manager over the\n specified interface. IP router manager is first enabled globally\n (if necessary). The value of an option that is not specified is set\n to the default specified in RFC 1256\n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface on which IP router \n manager is to be enabled.\n\nDISC= ENABLE | DISABLE Specifies router discovery option. Default \n is DISABLE\n\nMININT= minimum interval Minimum interval between router \n advertisements.\n\nMAXINT= maximun interval Maximum interval between router \n advertisements.\n\nLIFE= lifetime Lifetime of a router advertisement\n\nLEVEL= preference level Preference level of the advertisement\n\n
12052 \n Routemon add filter command adds a packet filter to the \n specified interface\n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface to which the filter \n is to be added.\n\nFILTERTYPE= INPUT | OUTPUT | DIAL Specifies whether the filter is \n an input, output or demand dial filter. INPUT and OUTPUT \n filters are packet filters, where as DIAL filters control \n which packets are allowed to bring a link up \nSRCADDR= IPAddress Source address field of the packet to be \n filtered. \n\nSRCMASK= IPMask Source address mask of the packet to be \n filtered \n\nDSTADDR= IPAddress Destination address field of the packet to be \n \n\n filtered. \n\nDSTMASK= IPMask Destination address mask of the packet to be \n filtered. \n\nPROTO= Protocol type of packet to be filtered \n\nSRCPORT= port Source port field of the packet to be filtered \n\n\nDSTPORT= port Destination port field of the packet to \n be filtered \n\nTYPE= type ICMP type field of packet to be filtered. \n\nCODE= code ICMP code field of packet to be filtered. \n\n \n
12053 \n Routemon add protocol adds a routing protocol to the specified \n router. If the interface option is specified, the routing protocol \n is enabled on the specified interface.\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nPROTO= Specifies the name of the protocol to be added. \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface on which the protocol \n is to be enabled. \n\n
12054 \n Routemon add route adds a static route to the specified interface \n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface to which the static route \n is to be added. \n\nDSTADDR= IPAddress Destination address for the route. \n\nDSTMASK= IPMask Subnet mask for the destination address. \n\nNEXTHOP= IPAddress Address of the next hop router for the route. \n\nMETRIC= Metric metric associated with the route \n\n
13001 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP DELETE INTERFACE \n [ NAME= ] InterfaceName\n\n
13002 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP DELETE FILTER \n [ NAME= ] InterfaceName\n [ FILTERTYPE= ] {INPUT | OUTPUT | DIAL} \n [ SRCADDR= ] IPaddress [ SRCMASK= ] IPMask\n [ DSTADDR= ] IPaddress [ DSTMASK= ] IPMask \n\n { [ PROTO= ] ANY |\n\n [ PROTO= ] { TCP | UDP }\n [ [ SRCPORT= ] port [ DSTPORT= ] port ] ] |\n\n [ PROTO= ] ICMP \n [ [ TYPE= ] type [ CODE= ] code ] } \nn
13003 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP DELETE PROTOCOL \n [ PROTO= ] { RIP | OSPF | BOOTP }\n [ [ NAME= ] InterfaceName ]\n\n
13004 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP DELETE ROUTE \n [ NAME= ] InterfaceName\n [ DSTADDR= ] IPAddress [ DSTMASK= ] IPMask \n\n
13051 \n Routemon delete interface removes IP router manager from the \n specified interface.\n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface to be deleted \n\n
13052 \n Routemon delete filter command deletes a packet filter from the \n specified interface\n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface from which the filter \n is to be deleted.\n\nFILTERTYPE= INPUT | OUTPUT | DIAL Specifies whether the filter is \n an input, output or demand dial filter. INPUT and OUTPUT \n filters are packet filters, where as DIAL filters control \n which packets are allowed to bring a link up \nSRCADDR= IPAddress Source address field of the packet to be \n filtered. \n\nSRCMASK= IPMask Source address mask of the packet to be \n filtered \n\nDSTADDR= IPAddress Destination address field of the packet to be \n \n\n filtered. \n\nDSTMASK= IPMask Destination address mask of the packet to be \n filtered. \n\nPROTO= Protocol type of packet to be filtered \n\nSRCPORT= port Source port field of the packet to be filtered \n\n\nDSTPORT= port Destination port field of the packet to \n be filtered \n\nTYPE= type ICMP type field of packet to be filtered. \n\nCODE= code ICMP code field of packet to be filtered. \n\n \n
13053 \n Routemon delete protocol deletes a routing protocol from the \n router. If the interface option is not specified, the routing \n protocol is deleted globally as well as from every interface \n on which it is enabled. \n\n\\computername Name of the computer on which the \n router service is running. Default \n is the local machine\n\nPROTO= Specifies the name of the protocol to be deleted. \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface from which the protocol \n is to be deleted. \n\n
13054 \n Routemon delete a route deletes a static route from the \n specified interface. \n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface from which the static \n route is to be deleted. \n\nDSTADDR= IPAddress Destination address for the route specified. \n\nDSTMASK= IPMask Subnet mask for the destination address. \n\n
14001 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP SET INTERFACE\n [ NAME= ] Interfacename\n { [ STATE= ] { ENABLE | DISABLE } /\n [ DISC= ] { ENABLE | DISABLE } /\n [ MININT= ] mininium interval /\n [ MAXINT= ]maximum interval /\n [ LIFE= ] lifetime /\n [ LEVEL= ] Preference Level }\n\n
14002 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [\\computername] IP SET FILTER\n [NAME=] InterfaceName\n [FILTERTYPE=] { INPUT | OUTPUT | DIAL} \n [ACTION=] { DROP | FORWARD } \n\n ROUTEMON [\\computername] IP SET FILTER\n [FILTERING=] { ENABLE | DISABLE }\n\n
14004 \n\nUSAGE: (Note the space between = and the option value)\n\n ROUTEMON [ \\computername ] IP SET ROUTE \n [ NAME= ] InterfaceName\n [ DSTADDR= ] IPAddress [ DSTMASK= ] IPMask\n { [ NEXTHOP= ] IPAddress / [ METRIC= ] Metric }\n\n
14051 \n Routemon set interface command modifies IP router manager \n information on the specified interface. \n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface on which IP router \n manager information is to be modified.\n\nDISC= ENABLE | DISABLE Specifies router discovery option. \n\nMININT= minimum interval Minimum interval between router \n advertisements.\n\nMAXINT= maximun interval Maximum interval between router \n advertisements.\n\nLIFE= lifetime Lifetime of the router advertisement\n\nLEVEL= preference level Preference level of the avertisement\n\n
14052 \n Routemon set filter command allows enabling/disabling of filters\n and changing the action of a filter set on an interface\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface on which the filter \n settings are to be modified.\n\nFILTERTYPE= INPUT | OUTPUT | DIAL Specifies whether the filter is \n an input, output or demand dial filter. INPUT and OUTPUT \n filters are packet filters, where as DIAL filters control \n which packets are allowed to bring a link up \nACTION= DROP | FORWARD Specifies the filter action \n\nFILTERING= ENABLE | DISABLE Specifies whether filtering is to be \n enabled or disabled on this router. \n\n
14053 \n Routemon set protocol sets the protocol options for the routing \n protocols already configured on the router. \n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nPROTO= Name of the protocol. \n\nGLOBAL global protocol configuration. \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface on which the protocol \n settings are to be modified\n\nSERVER= IP address of server\n\nLOGLEVEL= Type of information to be logged\n\nRELAYMODE= Relay mode setting for DHCP Relay Agent\n\nMAXHOP= Maximum number of hops above which DHCP \n requests will be discarded\n\nMINSECS= Minimum number of seconds before DHCP requests\n will be forwarded\n\nMINTRIG= Minimum interval between triggered updates\n\nPEERMODE= Unicast peer filter settings\n\nMETRIC= Metric value setting\n\nUPDATEMODE= RIP update mode setting\n\nANNOUNCE= RIP announce mode setting\n\nACCEPT= RIP accept mode setting\n\nFLAGS= RIP options\n\nEXPIRE= RIP route expiration interval in seconds\n\nREMOVE= RIP route removal interval in seconds\n\nUPDATE= RIP periodic update interval\n\nTAG= Route tag field setting in RIP outgoing packets\n\nUNICAST= Setting for unicast peer transmission\n\nACCFILTMODE= Filter mode for routes in incoming updates\n\nANNFILTMODE= Filter mode for routes in outgoing updates\n\nACCFILT= Route filter range for incoming updates\n\nANNFILT= Route filter range for outgoing updates\n\nROUTERID= Router identifier for OSPF router\n\nASBORDER= Specifies if router is an autonomous system\n border router\n\nAREAID= Area Identifier for OSPF router\n\nAUTH= Type of authentication used by specified area\n\nIMPORTAS= Import Autonomous Segment\n\nSUMAD= Summary advertizements\n\nRANGE= Area range for specified area\n\nTRANSAREAID= Transit area ID\n\nVIRTNBRID= Virtual neighbor ID\n\nTRANSDELAY= Transit delay interval\n\nRETRANS= Interval between retransmissions\n\nHELLO= Interval between OSPF hellos\n\nDEAD= Dead interval\n\nPASSWORD= Clear text password\n\nFILTPROTO= Routing protocols to be filtered\n\nPROTOACTION= Action for routing protocol filters\n\nFILTROUTE= Routes to be filtered\n\nFILACTION= Action for filtered routes\n\nIFADDR= IP address of interface\n\nIFMASK= IP mask corresponding to interface address\n\nIFTYPE= Type of interface\n\nPRIO= Interface priority\n\nPOLL= Poll Interval\n\nMTU= Size of MTU over interface\n\nNBRADDR= IP Address of OSPF neighbor\n\nNBRPRIO= neighbor priority\n\n
14054 \n Routemon set route command modifies a static route on an interface \n\n\n\\computername Name of the computer running the router\n service. Default is the local machine \n\nNAME= InterfaceName Name of the interface on which the route \n settings are to be modified.\n\nDSTADDR= IPAddress Destination address for the route specified. \n\nDSTMASK= IPMask Subnet mask for the destination address. \n\nNEXTHOP= IPAddress Address of the next hop router for the route. \n\nMETRIC= Metric Metric associated with the route \n\n
20001 \nRouter Manager Interface Configuration on %1!s!\n======================================================================\n
20003 \nRouting Protocols on Interface\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n
20004 \n %1!s!\n
20101 \n Filters for interface : %1!s!\n Filter Type : %2!s!\n Default Action : %3!s!\nSrc Addr Src Mask Dst Addr Dst Mask Proto Src Port Dst Port\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n
20102 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s! %4!s! %5!s! %6!u! %7!u!\n
20201 \nStatic Routes for Interface: %1!s!\nDestination Mask Next Hop Metric\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n
20202 %1!s! %2!s! %3!s! %4!d!\n
20301 \nGlobal Configuration Information for Router Manager\n \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n
20302 Filtering is %1!s!\nNumber of Routing Protocol loaded by the Router Manager: %2!d!\n\n Routing Protocol DLL\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------
20304 Priority Information for Routing Protocols\n \nProtocol Priority (Lower value implies higher priority) \n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n
20305 %1!s! %2!d!\n
20401 \nOSPF Global Configuration Information\n======================================================\nRouter is: %1!s!\nRouter is: %2!s!\nRouter ID: %3!s!\nBorder Router: %4!s!\nLogLevel: %5!s!\n\n
20402 \nOSPF Area Configuration Information\n------------------------------------------------------\nArea is: %1!s!\nArea is: %2!s!\nArea ID: %3!s!\nAuthentication Type: %4!s!\nImport External Router: %5!s!\nStub Metric: %6!u!\nImport Summary Advertisements: %7!s!\n\n
20404 \nOSPF Neighbour Configuration Information\n------------------------------------------------------\nNeighbour is: %1!s!\nNeighbour is: %2!s!\nNeighbour IP Address: %3!s!\nInterface IP Address: %4!s!\nNeighbour Priority: %5!s!\n\n
20405 \nOSPF Virtual Interface Configuration Information\n------------------------------------------------------\nInterface is: %1!s!\nInterface is: %2!s!\nTransit Area Id: %3!s!\nVirtual Neighbour Router ID: %4!s!\nTransit Delay: %5!u!\nRetransmission Interval: %6!u!\nHello Interval: %7!u!\nDead Interval: %8!u!\n
20406 \nAddress for Range %1!s!\nMask for Range %2!s!\n\n
20407 \nNo range information was found for this area.\n\n
20408 \nOSPF Protocol Filter\n------------------------------------------------------\nAction is: %1!s!\n\n
20409 \nProtocol: %1!s!\n\n
20410 \nNo Protocol filters configured. \n\n
20411 \nOSPF Route Filter\n------------------------------------------------------\nAction is: %1!s!\n\n
21005 \nMIB-II IP Address Entry\nIP Address IF Index Mask BCast Format Reassembly Size\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n
21016 \nMIB-II TCP Connection Entry\nLocal Address Local Port Remote Address Remote Port State\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n
21017 %1!s! %2!u! %3!s! %4!u! %5!s!\n
30001 Other
30002 Ethernet
30003 Token Ring
30004 FDDI
30005 PPP
30006 Loop Back
30007 SLIP
31001 Other
31002 Constant
31003 MIL-STD-1778 Appendix B
31004 Van Jacobson's Algorithm
32001 Closed
32002 Listen
32003 SYN Sent
32004 SYN Received
32005 Established
32006 FIN Wait1
32007 FIN Wait2
32008 Close Wait
32009 Closing
32010 Last Ack
32011 Wait
32012 Delete TCB
32013 Dynamic
33001 Other
33002 Local
33003 Net Management
33004 ICMP
33005 EGP
33006 GGP
33007 Hello
33008 RIP
33009 IS-IS
33010 ES-IS
33011 CISCO
33012 BBN
33013 Open Shortest Path First
33014 Border Gateway Protocol
33015 DHCP Relay Agent
33016 TCP
33017 UDP
33098 ANY
33099 Unknown Protocol
34001 Other
34002 Invalid
34003 Direct
34004 Indirect
35001 Other
35002 Invalid
35003 Dynamic
35004 Static
36001 Up
36002 Down
36003 Testing
36051 Non Operational
36052 Unreachable
36053 Disconnected
36054 Connecting
36055 Connected
36056 Operational
37001 Broadcast
37002 Non-broadcast Multi Access
37003 Point to Point
38001 Created
38002 Deleted
38003 Enabled
38004 Disabled
38010 On
38012 Off
38013 Yes
38014 No
38021 No Authentication
38022 Simple Password
38023 md5
38031 Input
38032 Output
38033 Dial
38041 Drop
38042 Forward
38043 Accept
38051 None
38052 Error Only
38053 Errors and Warnings
38054 Verbose
38061 Include
38062 Exclude
38071 Bound
38081 RIP 1
38082 RIP 1 Compatible
38083 RIP 2
38091 Peer Also
38092 Peer Only
38101 Periodic
38102 Demand
50001 Unknown
60001 \nCould not get interface information. Error %1!x!\n
60002 \nNo Interface Information Block found for interface\n
60003 \nNo static routes found for interface\n
60004 \nNo OSPF Information found\n
60005 \nThe length of one or more of the options was invalid\n
60006 \nError %1!x! getting information from DIM\n
60007 \nThe syntax of the command is wrong\n
60008 \nAt least one COMMAND must be present\n
60009 \nThere are not enough parameters to process the the command.\nIn case of MIB-II variables, you must supply ALL the indices needed\n
60012 \nCould not query the Router Service on %1!s!. \nError %2!x!\n
60013 \nThe Router Service is not currently running on %1!s!.\nUse 'net start router' on the machine to start the service \n
60014 \nCould not connect to DIM on %1!s!. Error %2!x!\n
60015 \nNo entries were found for the requested type\n
60016 The configuration information retrieved is corrupt\n
60017 \nNo Router Manager Global Configuration Information was found\n
60019 \nNo Priority Information was found\n
60020 \nNo Router Discovery Information was found\n
60021 \nCould no connect to configuration on %1!s!.\n\n
60022 \nThe following error occured when accessing router configuration information\n\n %1!s!
60023 \nThe following error occured when accessing router information\n\n %1!s!
60024 \nOut of Memory\n
60025 \nIncorrect value specified for option\n
60026 \nNo input filters configured on interface : %1!s!\n
60027 \nNo output filters configured on interface : %1!s!\n
60028 \nSpecified protocol information not found\n
60029 \nSpecified filter information not found on interface\n
60031 \nNo demand dial filters configured on interface : %1!s!\n
60050 \nCould not get global information. Error %1!x!\n
60101 \nArea Id not specified\n
60102 \nTransit area parameter not specified\n
60103 \nSpecified area does not exist\n
60111 \nInterface IP address / IP Mask was not specified\n
60112 \nSpecified Interface IP address not found\n
60113 \nNeighbor IP address was not specified\n
60114 \nSpecified Neighbor IP address not found\n
60201 \nMore than one area but no backbone ( record\n
60202 \nVirtual i/fs present but no backbone ( record\n
60203 \nTransit area ID for Virtual IF is\n
60204 \nTransit area record for Virtual IF is a stub\n
60205 \nTransit area record for Virtual IF not found\n
60206 \nBad range net/mask combination\n
60207 \nGlobal parameter block not present in OSPF global configuration\n
60208 \nAt least one area parameter block must be present in the global configuration.\nIf you are deleting an area, please add another area before deleting this one.\n
61001 \nArea %1!s! has been deleted. Interfaces configured for this area \nmust be reconfigured\n